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Q: My mom hit my car and we’re on the same policy. Who pays?

It may seem unusual, but accidents involving drivers on a single policy are not uncommon. These accidents are so common that insurance companies have clearly defined procedures for handling them. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule and special circumstances may apply. Still, the process is less extensive than it may seem.


Policyholders cannot file claims against their own liability coverages. This means that property damage liability coverage will not insure your vehicle’s damage when the damage is caused by another driver on the policy. So, if your mom hits your car and you’re on the same policy, the only coverage that will insure your vehicle’s damage is collision.

Generally defined, collision insures your vehicle from damages that occur when you hit a vehicle or another object. However, collision also serves, at times, as a physical damage catchall, repairing your vehicle for damages when no other coverage applies.

You must carry collision coverage on your policy in order for your vehicle’s repairs to be insured. Your mom must also carry collision on her vehicle if she intends to repair her vehicle with this coverage. In essence, this results in two collision claims on the policy with two separate collision deductibles. If only one vehicle carries collision, the other is not insured. Likewise, if neither vehicle carries collision, neither vehicle is insured for the damages mom caused during the accident.


Hopefully your mom didn’t cause any injuries during the accident. If injuries did occur, medical payment coverage will insure the injuries. While the liability coverages will not insure the injuries for those listed on the policy, medical payment coverage will reimburse you for medical expenses and emergency costs caused to you by your mom during an accident. This is an optional coverage with no deductible. You may want to check your policy to see which coverages you have selected.